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Shelly Straub Featured on the Cover of Syracuse Woman Magazine

Syracuse Woman Magazine Shelly Straub Cover Story

October 2, 2016

Journal Dump #078

I was contacted by the Editor of a local magazine in Syracuse, New York about writing a piece on my cancer story for their October edition. Without hesitation, I emailed back and said "sure, no problem - let me know what information you need."  It wasn't necessary to think much about it because there are several online blog communities that will reach out and ask me to write about random topics relating to breast cancer. And it isn't because I am anything particularly special, its just because I already have a blog of my own relating to breast cancer - so they know I enjoy writing and sharing about my journey.

Shortly after that request from the Editor came, a second email followed and I was asked if I would like to be featured on the cover.  This email induced a pause.  My emotions were caught up in both excitement and fear.  How honored I felt to be asked but how afraid I felt for fear of being judged. 

I spent 5 years being the Editor of a travel and lifestyle magazine and though my newfound friends in New York City couldn't be happier when promising things happened during this career, such wasn't the same for my friends at home. One of my proudest moments as founder of this publication was the day when I received the call from Barnes N Noble who decided my magazine was worthy enough to grace the shelves of their stores. This moment alone was one of the greatest career memories I have ever had. I was certain that everyone I knew would be elated. I learned quickly that not everyone will share in your joy.  There are 2 kinds of people in this world.  The ones who say "congratulations! I'm so happy for you" and the other ones who say nothing at all and then find reason to put you down behind your back.

Knowing there are people who will judge me and put me down, I was hesitant about putting myself out there - all the way out there - like on the cover. But, I did it anyway because there were more reasons to revel in a cover piece than slump and say no.  For one, it may bring some attention to the non profit organization that I founded and if it does - then it was worth it 100%!  Another great reason to say YES to the cover was to show my girls that when faced with fear, push through it because overcoming fear equals strength.

Thank you very much Lorna for thinking my breast cancer journey was worthy enough to share and be featured on the cover. #grateful

Syracuse Woman Magazine Shelly Straub Cover Story

Syracuse Woman Magazine Shelly Straub Cover Story

Syracuse Woman Magazine Shelly Straub Cover Story

CLICK HERE to go to the Syracuse Woman Magazine website.



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