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Why Clean Drinking Water is Essential for Your Healthy Journey
When it comes to beginning a health-focused lifestyle, one essential element often gets overlooked: clean drinking water . Water is the...

Step 2 of My Healthy Journey: Nourishing My Body with Healthier Food
Mademoiselle Paris Cafe on Anna Maria Island After focusing on reducing stress and stepping out of survival mode, the next step in my...

Step 1 on Your Healing Journey: Breaking Free from Survival Mode
Healing cannot truly begin if your body and mind are stuck in a constant state of survival mode . If you are experiencing high levels of...

My Healing Journey: Reclaiming Health After Cancer, Autoimmune Struggles, and Loss
Prior to my cancer diagnosis after just turning 40 years old in 2013, I had never had a broken bone or even a cavity in my mouth. I had...

How to Manage Fatigue During Radiation Treatments
Radiation therapy was one of the most exhausting parts of my breast cancer journey. I’ll be honest—there were days when I doubted my...

Radiation Roundup: A Photographic Journey of Radiation Burns
Here is my photographic journey of radiation burns from breast cancer treatments. Radiation started July 10 Radiation ended Aug 19 All of...

My First Radiation Appointment for Breast Cancer
July 11, 2014 Journal Dump #040 It's official. I've been radiated. My first 2 appointments are under my belt...only 28 to go. I was...

Radiation Mapping - The First Step in Radiotherapy Treatment for Breast Cancer
July 8, 2014 Journal Dump #039 It has been 8 months and 7 days since I was told that I had breast cancer. I have had a double...

Navigating Anxiety: A Raw Reflection 5 Days After my first Taxol Chemo Treatment
April 1, 2014 Journal Dump #022 Typically, I wait to post a written blog until a week or two after the fact - no matter what the event...

Emotional Well-Being & Depression during Chemotherapy
March 30, 2014 Journal Dump #020 While enduring the treatment of chemotherapy, the physical symptoms are a given. Search any website and...

To Wear the Wig or Not
March 11, 2014 Journal Dump #019 I have said this before and I will say it again, I am so thankful that it is the winter season. While...

Chemo #3 - Darkness Before The Dawn
March 5, 2014 Journal Dump #018 So in my continued attempt to remain positive, which takes great effort these days, I will say that...

Losing Your Hair During Chemo for Breast Cancer
Feb 26, 2014 Journal Dump #017 So if you read my last post, you know that my hair began to fall out in clumps on day #15 after my first...

My Breast Cancer Timeline of Treatments
My breast cancer timeline: Oct 17 - Found a lump Oct 24 - Mammogram, ultrasound Oct 31 - MRI, biopsy, confirmed breast cancer Nov 6 - Dr...

What to Expect During Your First AC Chemo Treatment for Breast Cancer
February 15, 2014 Journal Dump #016 My combination of chemotherapy will include: AC → T: doxorubicin (Adriamycin) and cyclophosphamide...
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